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(Back to the) Kickoff Day 3 - CA Worker's Comp Changes

Time keeps on slipping in to the future...It is not only 2013, but it is also Jan 17, 2013.  Where did the time go? Where did the past week go?  (Insert look of extreme incredulity here) Because the week escaped me, I'm going to make an exception just this once and dust off my Delorean in order to Marty McFly us back in time.

Now where were we? Oh, that's three of our 2013 kickoff. Let us proceed.

Now the country may still be completely ensconced in the ongoing conversation about the effects of the Affordable Care Act, but let's not forget what is going on in our own backyard. Some pretty significant stuff is happening in the Golden State, especially as it pertains to worker's compensation. Small business owners, this concerns you! The worker's compensation benefit delivery system is undergoing some ch-ch-ch-changes, per legislative bill SB863 that go into effect, you guessed it, in 2013! Follow the jump if you don't want to miss what they are.

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Posted Thursday, January 17 2013 7:05 PM

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